
CEWEP Welcomes New Members from Poland

Stowarzyszenie Producentów Energii z Odpadów is the latest member of the Confederation.

The CEWEP Presidency greatly welcomed Stowarzyszenie Producentów Energii z Odpadów as the newest member of the European Waste-to-Energy operators‘ community during its meeting on 28th March 2017 in Lisbon.

Stowarzyszenie Producentów Energii z Odpadów is the national association of Waste-to-Energy Plant Operators in Poland. Founded in 2015 the association represents 5 operating Waste-to-Energy Plants in Poland the first of which was commissioned as recently as December 2015. The combined waste treatment capacity of the operating plants is 824,000 tonnes/year and they produce 364,177 MWh of electricity and 1,882,000 GJ of heat yearly. Another plant is in the construction stage.

The plants are making a significant contribution to reduction of the quantity of municipal waste disposed on landfill sites in line with the EU Directives and with Polish law.

CEWEP is very happy to see that new Waste-to-Energy capacity is being developed in line with integrated waste management thinking. This shift is especially important in Eastern European countries that have traditionally landfilled large proportions of their waste and also already have district heating networks in place. This particularly favourable infrastructure situation allows the waste that cannot be reused or recycled contribute to sustainable development in the best way possible – by providing valuable energy.” says Ferdinand Kleppmann, the President of CEWEP.

 The full press release can be downloaded here.